SWOT Analysis

An explanation of SWOT Analysis technique to Assess Current State

SWOT Analysis is a business analysis technique to assess the current state of an organization during the needs assessment process. It involves identifying and evaluating four key aspects: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. This technique helps in gaining a comprehensive understanding of both internal and external factors that can influence the success of a business initiative. Here’s a detailed look at each component:

SWOT Analysis Technique with 4 Quadrants for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats


  • Internal Factors: These are the positive attributes and resources within the organization that provide a competitive advantage. Strengths could include a skilled workforce, strong brand reputation, robust financial resources, advanced technology, or efficient processes. Identifying strengths helps in understanding what the organization does well and can leverage in future strategies.


  • Internal Factors: These are the internal limitations or areas where the organization lacks capability, which can hinder its performance. Weaknesses might include outdated technology, skill gaps, poor location, limited resources, or inefficient processes. Recognizing weaknesses is crucial for identifying areas that need improvement or pose challenges to achieving objectives.


  • External Factors: These are external conditions or trends that the organization can capitalize on to improve its position or achieve its goals. Opportunities could arise from market growth, technological advancements, regulatory changes, or shifts in consumer behavior. Identifying opportunities helps in understanding external possibilities that the organization can exploit for growth and development.


  • External Factors: These are external challenges or risks that could negatively impact the organization’s performance. Threats might include economic downturns, increasing competition, regulatory changes, or disruptive technologies. Recognizing threats is essential for preparing contingency plans and mitigating potential risks.

By systematically analyzing these four dimensions, an organization can develop a clear picture of its current state. This holistic view is critical for informed decision-making, prioritizing initiatives, and formulating strategies that align with the organization’s capabilities and market conditions. The SWOT analysis provides a structured framework for identifying key areas that need attention, leveraging strengths and opportunities, addressing weaknesses, and mitigating threats, thus ensuring a balanced and realistic assessment of the business environment.

Last updated: May 26, 2024