1.1 Manage Conflict

People - Manage Conflict


1.1.1Interpret the source and stage of the conflict
1.1.2Analyze the context for the conflict
1.1.3Evaluate/recommend/reconcile the appropriate conflict resolution solution

This task focuses on identifying, analyzing, and resolving conflicts within a project team. It’s crucial for maintaining a positive team environment, ensuring project progress, and achieving project goals.

The study note on Conflict Management provides a detailed coverage of this task and its enablers.

1.1.1 Interpret the source and stage of the conflict

This enabler involves understanding the root cause and current state of the conflict.

  • Identify the source: What is the conflict about? Is it personality clashes, differing opinions on project approach, resource allocation issues, or something else? Refer to sources of conflict.
  • Determine the stage: Is it a minor disagreement, an escalating argument, or a full-blown crisis? Understanding the stage helps to choose the appropriate intervention. Refer to stages of conflict.

1.1.2 Analyze the context for the conflict

This enabler involves considering the broader environment surrounding the conflict.

  • Identify stakeholders: Who is involved in the conflict, and what are their interests and needs?
  • Evaluate project impact: How is the conflict affecting the project schedule, budget, or team morale?
  • Consider organizational culture: How does the organization typically handle conflict? Are there established policies or procedures?

Refer to analyzing the context for the conflict for details.

1.1.3 Evaluate/recommend/reconcile the appropriate conflict resolution solution

Based on the understanding of the source, stage, and context, the project manager needs to:

  • Evaluate options: Consider different conflict resolution techniques like problem solving, smoothing, collaborating, compromising, etc.
  • Recommend a solution: Choose the approach that best fits the situation and has the highest chance of success.
  • Reconcile the conflict: Implement the chosen solution and facilitate communication and understanding between the parties involved.

Traditional vs. Agile

In traditional projects, conflict management focuses on formal processes, documentation, and hierarchical escalation. Tools like conflict matrices and stakeholder registers ensure structured, deliberate, but potentially slower resolution.

Agile projects emphasize open communication, collaboration, and early intervention through daily stand-ups, retrospectives, and scrum master facilitation, leading to a more informal, iterative, and quicker approach to finding solutions.

Both approaches value active listening, empathy, and respect, but the choice between them depends on the project’s nature, team dynamics, and organizational culture. Effective communication is essential for managing conflict. This includes active listening, empathy, and clear, concise communication.

Last updated: March 31, 2024